Boost recruiter productivity with candidate search and match that covers everything — job history, education, skills, resume, CV, cover letters, all databases, etc. — with every query.
Supercharge Your Recruitment Team
faster results*
No searching just resumes, job history, or one database. Cut down clicks and maximize accuracy with searches that cover everything (job history, education, skills, resume, CV, cover letters, etc.) across every system.
higher productivity
Our superpowered search fuels superpowered match. Your recruiters will find the perfect candidate without ever leaving the job page — in just one click.
more scalable
Got a million records? Ten million? No problem. When other candidate search and match solutions break down, Kona Talent is just getting warmed up.
*Results from Kona customers
Kona Search
Read-your-mind accurate, scale-agnostic, same-day deployment — transform your firm with superpowered Salesforce search.
Kona Match
Find the perfect candidate without ever leaving the job page — in just one click — with Kona Match.
Kona Parse
Our next-generation parser will feature every buzzword technology we can think of, plus several more we’re still making up!
“KonaSearch is SAVING us money and it’s MAKING us money, because we are able to find the right people from the beginning, it’s really that simple.”
Brent Anthony, Charles Aris
Recruit RGF
Learn how Kona enabled the top Asian recruiting firm to search a 500,000-candidate database with ease.
Learn how Kona increased the European recruitment firm’s productivity by 170%, boosted search speed by 200%, and saved the company 10 hours of work per month.
Charles Aris
Learn how Kona helped the US Executive Search firm boost the bottom line with faster, more customizable search.