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Bullhorn acquires KonaSearch
By joining forces, Kona and Bullhorn will help staffing, recruitment, and executive search firms using Bullhorn for Salesforce accelerate their talent-sourcing strategies.
That One Time Rome (Almost) Fell
After years of sky-high expectations, is the sky falling on AI? Here’s how history’s greatest leader would deal.
May Release Notes!
It’s a BIG update for our staffing and recruiting community! We added Kona Parse, better job description matching, and more.
The 100-foot AI Wave
AI has had its share of ups and downs, but this up is different. It’s the 100-foot wave. And companies that aren’t careful could wipe out.
AI Hasn’t Passed You By (Yet)
Ah! Everyone’s using AI! Ah! You’re hopelessly behind! Well, not quite. And this article explains why.
The Bayer Knot
The CEO of Bayer wants to change how corporations work. But it will only work with this technology…
The Best Tech Strategy For Tech Revolutions
How do you build tech strategy when everything is changing so fast? This article has the answers.
Why Tech Mistakes Are Now Fatal
Different tech eras require different approaches. Here’s the one you must use to survive the next few years.
How Tech Revolutionaries Think
What’s the difference between linear progress and technological revolutions? How you treat assumptions.