Solutions By Industry
Staffing and Recruiting

Higher Education

Custom Solution

Staffing and Recruiting
170% Higher Productivity
Boost recruiter productivity with Kona Talent: candidate search and match that covers everything with every query.

Higher Education

165% More Meetings Scheduled
Struggle with Salesforce reports? Accelerate productivity and build any report easily with Kona Scholar.
CRM Search
200% Faster Searching
Read-your-mind accurate, scale-agnostic, same-day deployment — transform your business with supercharged Salesforce search.

Why Kona?
Every Query Covers Everything
- Kona queries look at every field and object — even child and parent objects.
- Queries search files, ZIPs, and images as part of their related records.
- Queries also scour every data source, including Sharepoint and Outlook.
Find, Match, and Automate Anything
- Kona’s search language, filters, and facets make impossible search tasks easy.
- Kona uses generative AI to help enable direct matches from any object to any other.
- Kona allows users to automate any actions on search results.
Simple, Scalable and Salesforce-Native
- Instant implementation: Install to running in production before dinner.
- Kona maintains 100% performance up to billions of records.
- Kona’s Salesforce-native architecture supports deep customization.
Case Studies
Learn how Kona increased Digitalent’s productivity by 170%, boosted search speed by 200%, and saved the company 10 hours of work per month.
"Multi-object search sold us. [We’re] extremely satisfied with KonaSearch, both building the custom pages and communicating. We’re able to filter and facet on anything."
Ivana Vasilić, Digitalent